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Implement telehealth software at your medical practice in Mount Vernon or New Rochelle, NY

Are you worried about losing patients due to health concerns or transportation issues? Medicorp Revenue Management Services can implement telehealth software at your medical practice so you can meet with patients virtually. This state-of-the-art software makes it easy for you to meet with more patients daily. As a telehealth provider, you'll even be able to check in with sick or injured patients.

Modernize your doctor's office in Mount Vernon or New Rochelle, NY - hire us to install telehealth software today.

Become a telehealth provider today

Integrating telehealth visits into your schedule is an easy process. All you have to do is send your patients a link. After the appointment, their deductible will be sent directly to their inbox. You won't have to worry about a thing.

If you want to streamline operations at your medical practice, become a telehealth provider today.


Open communication and transparency are at every stage of the partnership. We listen to our customers and take a proactive role to improve each client's business. We understand how important your work is and know we can play a significant role in helping you meet your day-to-day challenges.

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